Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Alibag    Dated :Oct 03, 2024
Past 24 Hours Weather Data
Maximum Temp(oC) (Recorded. on 03/10/24) 38.9
Departure from Normal(oC) 7.1
Minimum Temp (oC) (Recorded. on 03/10/24) 25.2
Departure from Normal(oC) 0.7
24 Hours Rainfall (mm) (Recorded from 0830 hrs IST
of yesterday to 0830 hrs IST of today)
Relative Humidity at 0830 hrs (%) 80
Relative Humidity at 1730 hrs (%) (Recorded. on 03/10/24) 72
Todays Sunset (IST) 18:25
Tomorrow's Sunrise (IST) 06:29
Moonset (IST) 18:44
Moonrise (IST) 06:45
7 Day's Forecast
Date Min Temp Max Temp Weather
03-Oct 25.0 32.0 Generally cloudy sky with Light Rain or Drizzle
04-Oct 24.0 31.0 Fog/mist in the morning and partly cloudy sky later
05-Oct 24.0 32.0 Fog/mist in the morning and partly cloudy sky later
06-Oct 25.0 32.0 Partly cloudy sky with possibility of moderate rain or Thunderstorm
07-Oct 25.0 33.0 Rain or thundershowers would occur towards evening or night
08-Oct 26.0 33.0 Partly cloudy sky
09-Oct 26.0 32.0 Partly cloudy sky

(Climatological & Extreme Weather Information )