Past 24 Hours Weather Data |
Maximum Temp(oC) (Recorded. on 21/12/24) |
29.2 |
Departure from Normal(oC) |
-1.4 |
Minimum Temp (oC) (Recorded. on 21/12/24) |
21.6 |
Departure from Normal(oC) |
-3.1 |
24 Hours Rainfall (mm) (Recorded from 0830 hrs IST of yesterday to 0830 hrs IST of today) |
298 |
Relative Humidity at 0830 hrs (%) |
98 |
Relative Humidity at 1730 hrs (%) (Recorded. on 21/12/24) |
87 |
Todays Sunset (IST) |
17:03 |
Tomorrow's Sunrise (IST) |
05:24 |
Moonset (IST) |
10:11 |
Moonrise (IST) |
22:23 |